
Our Division Women & Planning
As one of the earliest divisions of the American Planning Association, the Women & Planning Division was formed in 1979 as a platform from which to provide a national network supporting and advocating for the need of women in the planning profession. Our 2,000+ members (and counting!) welcome you to join our programs and activities encouraging, uplifting, and celebrating women in planning. Please browse our website to find more information about the Division's programs, resources, events, and funding awards. And you can always reach us at!

Division Benefits
APA's Women & Planning Division helps members reach their fullest professional and personal potential. We help women manage, mitigate, and overcome personal and professional barriers and limitations experienced by women in the planning profession. We do this by providing:
- Professional development opportunities.
- Scholarships and funding.
- Mentorship and networking opportunities.
- Supportive resources.
- Research and advocacy.
Do you pay your APA dues out-of-pocket?
Did you know...
APA's online payment portal allows members to pay their dues in monthly installments rather than one annual sum, interest free?
For more information contact or call 312-786-6733.
Division Dues
APA Member - $25, annually
APA New Members - $10, annually (2-year maximum)
Non-APA members - $40, annually
Students - Free!
APA offers a reduced two-year ($10) introductory rate for first-time members and students who have completed their studies within the past year. This introductory rate is only available to APA members . For more information on APA membership dues, visit