WHO WE ARE Women & Planning Division
As one of the earliest divisions of the American Planning Association, the Women & Planning Division was formed in 1979 as a platform from which to provide a national network supporting and advocating for the need of women in the planning profession.
We welcome your participation with nearly 2,000 other members (and counting!) in activities encouraging, uplifting, and celebrating all women planners! On our APA website you will find information about our division's activities and services. Please feel free to contact any of the division leaders with your suggestions and inquiries!

JOIN US! NPC25 Multidivision Reception
Join us for the Second Annual Multidivision NPC Reception at Cohills for evening of food, fun, fellowship + featured guests!
We are excited to feature a meet and greet with Corrin Wendell, AICP, author of Ava Tanner the City Planner and to welcome APA guest speakers. We are also honored to host our very special guests, the Colorado Native Organization (CNO). CNO Culture Consultant Kieth TallBull will offer a land acknowledge, welcoming everyone to Cheyenne, Ute and Arapaho territory. Nick Ohitika Najin will give a dance demonstration of the Northern Plains Traditional Dance and Jayson Ferris HighWalking will sing a Lakota invocation song.

Apply for Funding to Attend or Present at NPC25 in Denver!

Professional Contribution awards were established to support members' continuing education and ongoing contributions to the planning profession by subsidizing the cost to attend APA's National Planning Conference (NPC). Members who are awarded funding will be reimbursed for eligible expenses related to attending APA’s National Planning Conference (NPC). WPD will provide four awards of up to $500 each for Division members to attend NPC25. Presenting at NPC25? We are offering up to $600 for two WPD members who have been accepted to present educational sessions at NPC25!
NPC25 Multidivision Reception

WPD has exciting sponsorship options in 2025 providing significant business promotion and brand exposure opportunities for all contribution levels
- Nearly 2,000 Division members (16% annual growth goal).
- Quarterly newsletter (4,000+ subscribers with a 44% open rate).
- Thousands of social media followers on Facebook, X, lnstagram, and Linkedln.
- Sold out social and networking events.
- Virtual webinars with up to 400 attendees.
- In person conference sessions with up to 200 attendees.
New Members Welcome!
A warm welcome on behalf of the Division’s leadership - we are so excited to have you on board and cannot wait to get to know and serve you! APA's Women & Planning Division is a great place to make new professional connections and be active in the American Planning Association.
We could not continue our mission of supporting and advocating for the needs of women in the planning profession if it were not for members like you. Thank you for your continued support and participation!
Should you need assistance or if you have questions about your membership at any time, please feel free to contact us at women.apa@gmail.com.
Got everything you need? We still welcome you to reach out and let us know if there is anything we can do to strengthen the Division and the value it provides!
You can also keep up with us through our pages on the APA website and social media: Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram!

Did You Know WPD Has a YouTube Channel?
Check out our featured video of the month!